Room spaces for any business meetings and events
Use the variable hotel spaces with capacity of up to 200 people. Suitable for your conference, training or company party with excellent accessibility in the historic center of Žilina.
Room spaces for any business meetings and events
Use the variable hotel spaces with capacity of up to 200 people. Suitable for your conference, training or company party with excellent accessibility in the historic center of Žilina.
Boutique Hotel Dubná Skala
Representative lounges Conference, Cabinet and Club have plenty of daylight from the windows, WiFi and air conditioning. In addition to parts of the restaurant and cafe, we can customize the spaces for you with different types of seating.
If you are planning a conference with an overnight stay and the number of people above 10, we have an advantageous Conference package for you.
The intimate atmosphere is also extremely suitable for private events, weddings, celebrations, anniversaries, christening parties and other family events.
The Conference lounge has a capacity of 60 people. Its premises are connected to the cafe, which creates the possibility of greater variability. Combining these rooms opens up a space suitable for corporate and social events as well as presentations for up to 100 people. Daylight is provided by large windows from the street.
Sedenie vhodné pre menšie až stredne veľké skupiny. Ideálne na slávnostné a spoločenské posedenia. Stoly sú usporiadané do jedného dlhého tvaru.
Banketové usporiadanie je vhodné zvyčajne pre podávanie stravy a menšie diskusné krúžky. Sedenie je za okrúhlymi alebo štvorcovými stolmi.
Divadelné rozmiestnenie je vhodné pre väčšie stretnutia, ktoré nevyžadujú veľa písania. Takéto sedenia sú taktiež vhodné pre tlačové konferencie alebo pre simulácie skupinových aktivít. Stoličky je možné ľahko premiestňovať.
Uvedené sedenie je najviac preferované pre stredne veľké, až veľké stretnutia. Stoly poskytujú zúčastneným dostatok miesta na rozloženie pracovných materiálov a zapisovanie poznámok. Tento typ je ideálnym pre školenia.
Sedenie je vhodné pre skupiny menšie ako 40 členov. Rozloženie zaručuje výbornú interakciu skupiny s vedením, ktoré je usadené vpredu. Audiovizuálne technológie sú zvyčajne najlepšie umiestnené na otvorenom konci stola.
Sedenie je vhodné pre interaktívnu diskusiu a zápis poznámok pre menej ako 25 účastníkov. Náš hotel poskytuje v uvedenom usporiadaní elegantný salónik „Cabinet“ pre 18 ľudí s kompletnou prezentačnou technikou.
The Club lounge with a capacity of 40 people. The latest technologies make it possible to organise trainings, conferences and other company events in the highest level. Daylight is provided by 2 large windows from the yard. The layout of the space allows complete privacy, convenient barrier-free access from the parking lot.
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The Cabinet lounge is located next to the restaurant. It is equipped with a large oval table, which is suitable for smaller groups of up to 18 people. Daylight is provided by two windows from the yard.
Connecting the lounge with the restaurant creates an ideal space for organizing receptions and banquets with a capacity of up to 90 people.
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